45.000 KD 36.000 KD

Estimated delivery between January 16 and January 18.

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DESCRIPTION :     Commonly known as “ Christ Thorn jujube “ is a evergreen hardy tree. This tree has been widely used as a fruit plant which is native of Africa and Middleast. They have very high resistance to extreme wind and heat. The tree produces fruits early summer. It is also grown for ornamental purposes and to provide shade. تشتهر بأزهار ذات رائحة جميلة ورائعة وتأخذ شكل حلزونى و تظهر عند أطراف الفروع. تكون الفروع مستقيمة وكثيفة نوعًا ما على الجذع وتُكون شكل يشبه المزهرية أو المظلة مع تقدم عمرها. تزهر جيدًا في الربيع وأوائل وأواخر فصل الصيف. الوصف :
CLASSIFICATION : Fruiting Tree  شجرة مثمرة التصنيف : 

WATER REQUIREMENT: Medium/Once Everyday احتياج متوسط للماء احتياج الماء :
LIGHT REQUIREMENT: Full Sun ضوء شمس كامل  احتياج الضوء :
IDEAL LOCATION : Outdoor Garden     حديقة خارجية  المكان المناسب :
FRUITING SEASON : End of Winter نهاية الشتاء موسم الازهار :
SUMMER SHADE NET REQUIREMENT : First Few Years الاعوام الاولى فقط بعد الزراعة  احتياج تغطية النبتة فى الصيف :

*Note: We have made every effort to display the colors, specifications and dimensions of items on the website for your reference as accurate as possible for us but it might vary as these are natural plants. The colors you see will depend on the resolution of your monitor and and may vary due to photographic effect. We may change the dimensions of the item from time to time in accordance to changes in the growth of plants and availability with us. Fruiting Plants are subject to seasonal availability.
