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21 products
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PLUMERIA OBTUSA - بلوميريا (شجرة الفتنة)
From 59.000 KD
Unit price perPLUMERIA OBTUSA - بلوميريا (شجرة الفتنة)
From 59.000 KD
Unit price perDESCRIPTION : | Commonly known as “ Frangipani “. They have strongly perfumed white flowers with pink shade on them. This variety features more branches. The leaves are smaller and grows very bushy. They bloom well in spring, early and end of summer. | نبتة الفتنة السنغافورية (بلوميرا): يكون لديها زهور بيضاء ذات عطر قوى وعليها ظل باللون الوردي. ويكون بها الكثير من الفروع، تكون الأوراق أصغر وتنمو بكثافة شديدة. تزهر جيدًا في الربيع وأوائل و أواخر فصل الصيف. | الوصف : |
TECHNICAL DATA FOR PLUMERIA SINGAPORENSIS - DWARF | المعلومات التقنية لنبتة الفتنة السنغافورية القزمية | ||
CLASSIFICATION : | Flowering Tree | شجرة مزهرة | التصنيف : |
WATER REQUIREMENT: | High | احتياج عالى للماء | احتياج الماء : |
LIGHT REQUIREMENT: | Full Sun | ضوء شمس كامل | احتياج الضوء : |
IDEAL LOCATION : | Outdoor Garden | حديقة خارجية | المكان المناسب : |
FLOWERING SEASON : | Winter | الشتاء | موسم الازهار : |
SUMMER SHADE NET REQUIREMENT : | First Few Years | الاعوام الاولى فقط بعد الزراعة | احتياج تغطية النبتة فى الصيف : |

CASSIA SURATTENSIS كاسيا سوراتانسيس \جلوكا
From 59.000 KD
Unit price perCASSIA SURATTENSIS كاسيا سوراتانسيس \جلوكا
From 59.000 KD
Unit price per
39.000 KD
Unit price perDWARF PLUMERIA SINGPORIENSIS / MEDIUM 1M - فتنة قزمية سنغافورية
39.000 KD
Unit price perPlumeria Singaporeensis, with its vibrant blooms and captivating scent, adds tropical beauty to your garden or patio. A beloved plant that thrives in Kuwait’s climate and is cherished by locals.
Plant Size: 1 meters approximately
Ideal for: Outdoor Garden/patio

HIBISCUS TILIACEUS 2.5m - 3m (هايبسكس ( خبيز ساحلي
45.000 KD
Unit price perHIBISCUS TILIACEUS 2.5m - 3m (هايبسكس ( خبيز ساحلي
45.000 KD
Unit price perHibiscus tiliaceus, commonly called sea hibiscus or mahoe, is an evergreen shrub or small tree that is native to tropical regions of Asia where it is often found growing along coasts and in low moist areas. It is now grown as an ornamental in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. It is a large, stout, open-branched shrub or small tree with spreading branches. It grows to a height of 3-6 m. Stems long and flexible. Young branches, buds and flowers densely covered with short soft hairs. Bark pale greyish brown, smooth or with lenticels, becoming rough with age.
الكركديه ، المعروف باسم الكركديه البحري أو ماهو ، هو شجيرة دائمة الخضرة أو شجرة صغيرة موطنها المناطق الاستوائية في آسيا حيث توجد غالبًا تنمو على طول السواحل وفي المناطق الرطبة المنخفضة. يزرع الآن كزينة في المناطق الاستوائية وشبه الاستوائية حول العالم. إنها شجيرة كبيرة ، قوية البنية ، مفتوحة الفروع أو شجرة صغيرة ذات أغصان منتشرة. ينمو إلى ارتفاع 3-6 م. ينبع طويلا ومرنة. الأغصان الصغيرة والبراعم والزهور مغطاة بكثافة بشعر قصير ناعم. اللحاء بني رمادي باهت ، أملس أو مع العدس ، يصبح خشنًا مع تقدم العمر.
Total Size |
H2.5MTR - 3MTR (Approx) الارتفاع 2.5 - 3م (تقريبا) |
Light Exposure |
PARTIAL LIGHT ضوء جزئي |
Water Requirements |
Preferably twice a day in summer and once in alternate days in winter. The best way to water the plant is dipping a finger into soil to feel if the soil is moist or not. If you still feel it is wet in winter, you can delay the watering for few more days and give water. A regular check on the plant moisture is ideal for healthy growth. يفضل مرتين في اليوم في الصيف ومرة في الأيام المتناوبة في الشتاء. أفضل طريقة لسقي النبات هي غمس إصبع في التربة لمعرفة ما إذا كانت التربة رطبة أم لا. إذا كنت لا تزال تشعر أنه رطب في الشتاء ، يمكنك تأخير الري لبضعة أيام أخرى وإعطاء الماء. يعتبر الفحص المنتظم لرطوبة النبات مثاليًا للنمو الصحي. |
Ideal Space |
Balcony / Roof top / Entrance of the home / mixed in the garden along with other plants شرفة / سقف علوي / مدخل المنزل / مختلط بالحديقة مع نباتات أخرى |
Note |
We have made every effort to display the colors, specifications, and dimensions of items on the website as accurately as possible. The colors you see will depend on the resolution of your monitor; we cannot guarantee that your monitor's display of any color will reflect accurately the color of the item delivered. We may from time to time vary the dimensions, specifications and quantities of items displayed on our website without prior notice. For example, the flowering plants are subject to seasonal availability. لقد بذلنا قصارى جهدنا لعرض ألوان العناصر ومواصفاتها وأبعادها على الموقع الإلكتروني بأكبر قدر ممكن من الدقة. ستعتمد الألوان التي تراها على دقة شاشتك ؛ لا يمكننا ضمان أن عرض شاشتك لأي لون سيعكس بدقة لون العنصر الذي يتم تسليمه. قد نقوم من وقت لآخر بتغيير أبعاد ومواصفات وكميات العناصر المعروضة على موقعنا دون إشعار مسبق. على سبيل المثال ، تخضع النباتات المزهرة للتوافر الموسمي. |

9.500 KD
Unit price perTECOMA STANS تيكوما
9.500 KD
Unit price perDESCRIPTION : | Tecoma stans is a fast and vigorous growing evergreen tree. They are known for their ornamental value as they produce beautiful clusters of yellow flowers during. The leaves grows bushy and can also be used for creating barriers between properties or screening along the wall. | هي شجرة دائمة الخضرة سريعة النمو وقوية. تشتهر بقيمتها فى التزيين لأنها تنتج مجموعات جميلة من الزهور الصفراء. تنمو الأوراق كثيفة ويمكن استخدامها أيضًا لإنشاء حواجز بين الملكيات أو عمل السياج على طول الجدار. | الوصف : |
CLASSIFICATION : | Flowering Tall Tree | شجرة / شجيرات طويلة مزهرة | التصنيف : |
SIZE: | 2.2 - 2.5 MTR | ||
WATER REQUIREMENT: | Medium/Once Everyday | احتياج متوسط للماء | احتياج الماء : |
LIGHT REQUIREMENT: | Full Sun | ضوء شمس كامل | احتياج الضوء : |
IDEAL LOCATION : | Outdoor Garden | حديقة خارجية | المكان المناسب : |
FLOWERING SEASON : | Winter / Spring | الشتاء / الربيع | موسم الازهار : |
SUMMER SHADE NET REQUIREMENT : | Every Year | سنوياً | احتياج تغطية النبتة فى الصيف : |
*Note: We have made every effort to display the colors, specifications and dimensions of items on the website for your reference as accurate as possible for us but it might vary as these are natural plants. The colors you see will depend on the resolution of your monitor and and may vary due to photographic effect. We may change the dimensions of the item from time to time in accordance to changes in the growth of plants and availability with us. Flowering Plants are subject to seasonal availability.

DESCRIPTION : | Thevetia peruviana is a small ornamental tree which grows to about 1.5 - 2.3 m high. The leaves are spirally arranged, linear and about 13-15 cm in length. Flowers are bright yellow and funnel-shaped with 5 petals spirally twisted. The fruits are somewhat globular, slightly fleshy and have a diameter of 4-5 cm. The fruits, which are green in colour, become black on ripening. Each fruit contains a nut which is longitudinally and transversely divided. All parts of the plant contain the milky juice. | هي شجرة دائمة الخضرة سريعة النمو وقوية. تشتهر بقيمتها فى التزيين لأنها تنتج مجموعات جميلة من الزهور الصفراء. تنمو الأوراق كثيفة ويمكن استخدامها أيضًا لإنشاء حواجز بين الملكيات أو عمل السياج على طول الجدار. | الوصف : |
CLASSIFICATION : | Flowering Tree | شجرة / شجيرات طويلة مزهرة | التصنيف : |
SIZE: | 1 M - 2 M | ||
WATER REQUIREMENT: | Medium/Once Everyday | احتياج متوسط للماء | احتياج الماء : |
LIGHT REQUIREMENT: | Full Sun | ضوء شمس كامل | احتياج الضوء : |
IDEAL LOCATION : | Outdoor Garden | حديقة خارجية | المكان المناسب : |
FLOWERING SEASON : | Winter / Spring | الشتاء / الربيع | موسم الازهار : |
SUMMER SHADE NET REQUIREMENT : | Every Year | سنوياً | احتياج تغطية النبتة فى الصيف : |
*Note: We have made every effort to display the colors, specifications and dimensions of items on the website for your reference as accurate as possible for us but it might vary as these are natural plants. The colors you see will depend on the resolution of your monitor and and may vary due to photographic effect. We may change the dimensions of the item from time to time in accordance to changes in the growth of plants and availability with us. Flowering Plants are subject to seasonal availability.

PITHECELLOBIUM DULCE SINGLE TRUNK - شوكة مدراس / لوز هندي ، جذع واحد
From 7.500 KD
Unit price perPITHECELLOBIUM DULCE SINGLE TRUNK - شوكة مدراس / لوز هندي ، جذع واحد
From 7.500 KD
Unit price perDESCRIPTION : | Pithecellobium is a genus of flowering plants in the pea family, Fabaceae. It includes several hundred species, which are found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. The plants in this genus are known for their distinctive compound leaves and often bear clusters of small, colorful flowers. |
SIZE | 2 TO 3.5 MTR |
*Note: We have made every effort to display the colors, specifications and dimensions of items on the website for your reference as accurate as possible for us but it might vary as these are natural plants. The colors you see will depend on the resolution of your monitor and and may vary due to photographic effect. We may change the dimensions of the item from time to time in accordance to changes in the growth of plants and availability with us. Fruiting Plants are subject to seasonal availability.

PLUMERIA 1.5 TO 2 MTR - شجرة الفتنة
59.000 KD
Unit price perPLUMERIA 1.5 TO 2 MTR - شجرة الفتنة
59.000 KD
Unit price perThe Plumeria Obtusa is an ideal addition to any garden in Kuwait's climate, producing fragrant blooms that infuse tropical vibes into outdoor spaces. It's a favorite and one of the top outdoor plants in Kuwait, loved by many locals.
Plant Size: 1.5 - 2 Meters
Ideal for: Outdoor Garden

69.000 KD
Unit price perTERMINALIA MANTALY 1-1.5 MTR ترميناليا
69.000 KD
Unit price perDESCRIPTION : | Mature trees very flat topped with a wide horizontal canopy of evenly distributed foliage arising from the apex of the straight bole.A large, dry deciduous tree with a tall, straight trunk that has blackish, flaking bark, a flat, spreading stern tropical Africa. It is popular in forestry for tropical climates for its extremely fast growth rate, long, straight bole and high quality timber, and makes a good shade tree in agroforestry. | تُزرع البابايا في المناطق الاستوائية وشبه الاستوائية حول العالم. هو نبات صغير سريع النمو له تاج من الأوراق تشبه المظلة بدون فروع جانبية ، وهذه الفاكهة متعددة الاستخدامات، حيث يمكن ان تستهلك باشكال مختلفة. |
الوصف |
CLASSIFICATION : | LANDSCAPE TREE | شجيرة مثمرة | التصنيف : |
SIZE: | 100 - 150 CMS | ||
WATER REQUIREMENT: | HIGH/ONCE EVERYDAY | احتياج عالى للماء | احتياج الماء : |
LIGHT REQUIREMENT: | FULL SUN / PARTIAL SUN | ضوء الشمس كامل / جزئى | احتياج الضوء : |
IDEAL LOCATION : | OUTDOOR GARDEN | حديقة خارجية | المكان المناسب : |
FRUITING SEASON : | SPRING | الربيع | الصيف / موسم الازهار : |
SUMMER SHADE NET REQUIREMENT: | FIRST FEW YEARS | الاعوام الاولى فقط بعد الزراعة | احتياج تغطية النبتة فى الصيف : |
*Note: We have made every effort to display the colors, specifications and dimensions of items on the website for your reference as accurate as possible for us but it might vary as these are natural plants. The colors you see will depend on the resolution of your monitor and and may vary due to photographic effect. We may change the dimensions of the item from time to time in accordance to changes in the growth of plants and availability with us. Fruiting Plants are subject to seasonal availability.

PLUMERIA SINGAPORENSIS - DWARF - فتنة قزمية سنغافورية
125.000 KD
Unit price perPLUMERIA SINGAPORENSIS - DWARF - فتنة قزمية سنغافورية
125.000 KD
Unit price perPlumeria Singaporeensis is ideal for Kuwait’s climate, known for its vibrant, fragrant flowers that bring a tropical feel to any garden. Loved by many, it's a top outdoor plant choice in the region.
Plant Size: 1.2 - 1.5 Meter
Ideal For: Outdoor Spaces/Garden
*Note: We have made every effort to display the colors, specifications and dimensions of items on the website for your reference as accurate as possible for us but it might vary as these are natural plants. The colors you see will depend on the resolution of your monitor and and may vary due to photographic effect. We may change the dimensions of the item from time to time in accordance to changes in the growth of plants and availability with us. Flowering Plants are subject to seasonal availability.

TERMINALIA CATAPPA (INDIAN ALMOND TREE) - ترميناليا (شجرة اللوز الهندية)
From 49.000 KD
Unit price perTERMINALIA CATAPPA (INDIAN ALMOND TREE) - ترميناليا (شجرة اللوز الهندية)
From 49.000 KD
Unit price perDESCRIPTION : | Terminalia catappa, also known as the Indian almond tree, is a tropical tree native to South and Southeast Asia. Its leaves are often used in aquariums for their beneficial properties, such as releasing tannins that can lower the pH of the water and providing a natural source of food for certain fish species. Additionally, the tree's leaves have been traditionally used in various cultures for their medicinal properties. |
SIZE | 2 - 2.5 MTR | 3 - 3.5 MTR |
*Note: We have made every effort to display the colors, specifications and dimensions of items on the website for your reference as accurate as possible for us but it might vary as these are natural plants. The colors you see will depend on the resolution of your monitor and and may vary due to photographic effect. We may change the dimensions of the item from time to time in accordance to changes in the growth of plants and availability with us. Fruiting Plants are subject to seasonal availability.

PLUMERIA 30CM POT - بلوميريا (شجرة الفتنة)
90.000 KD
Unit price perPLUMERIA 30CM POT - بلوميريا (شجرة الفتنة)
90.000 KD
Unit price per
Plumeria, also known as frangipani, is a tropical tree with attractive, leathery leaves and sweet-smelling, waxy blooms that burst forth from early summer until autumn. Plumeria flowers are so stunning and fairly easy to care for. This Plumeria tropical trees come with vibrant blooms and the most extraordinary fragrance. The scent of plumeria wafting on a summer evening breeze is early proof of Heaven! بلوميريا (شجرة الفتنة) ، والمعروفة أيضًا باسم فرانجيباني ، هي شجرة استوائية صغيرة بأوراقها الجلدية الجذابة وأزهارها الشمعية ذات الرائحة الحلوة والتي تتفجر من أوائل الصيف حتى الخريف. أزهار بلوميريا (شجرة الفتنة) مذهلة للغاية ويسهل العناية بها. بلوميريا (شجرة الفتنة) هي أشجار استوائية سريعة النمو مع أزهار نابضة بالحياة وأروع عطور غير عادية
*Note: We have made every effort to display the colors, specifications and dimensions of items on the website for your reference as accurate as possible for us but it might vary as these are natural plants. The colors you see will depend on the resolution of your monitor and and may vary due to photographic effect. We may change the dimensions of the item from time to time in accordance to changes in the growth of plants and availability with us. Flowering Plants are subject to seasonal availability.

From 39.000 KD
Unit price perZIZIPHUS SPINA CHRISTI سدر تايلندى
From 39.000 KD
Unit price perDESCRIPTION : | Commonly known as “ Christ Thorn jujube “ is a evergreen hardy tree. This tree has been widely used as a fruit plant which is native of Africa and Middleast. They have very high resistance to extreme wind and heat. The tree produces fruits early summer. It is also grown for ornamental purposes and to provide shade. | تشتهر بأزهار ذات رائحة جميلة ورائعة وتأخذ شكل حلزونى و تظهر عند أطراف الفروع. تكون الفروع مستقيمة وكثيفة نوعًا ما على الجذع وتُكون شكل يشبه المزهرية أو المظلة مع تقدم عمرها. تزهر جيدًا في الربيع وأوائل وأواخر فصل الصيف. | الوصف : |
CLASSIFICATION : | Fruiting Tree | شجرة مثمرة | التصنيف : |
SIZE: | 1 MTR | 3 MTR | ||
WATER REQUIREMENT: | Medium/Once Everyday | احتياج متوسط للماء | احتياج الماء : |
LIGHT REQUIREMENT: | Full Sun | ضوء شمس كامل | احتياج الضوء : |
IDEAL LOCATION : | Outdoor Garden | حديقة خارجية | المكان المناسب : |
FRUITING SEASON : | End of Winter | نهاية الشتاء | موسم الازهار : |
SUMMER SHADE NET REQUIREMENT : | First Few Years | الاعوام الاولى فقط بعد الزراعة | احتياج تغطية النبتة فى الصيف : |
*Note: We have made every effort to display the colors, specifications and dimensions of items on the website for your reference as accurate as possible for us but it might vary as these are natural plants. The colors you see will depend on the resolution of your monitor and and may vary due to photographic effect. We may change the dimensions of the item from time to time in accordance to changes in the growth of plants and availability with us. Fruiting Plants are subject to seasonal availability.

CAESALPINIA PULCHERRIMA 3 MTR نبتة سيسالبينيا بولتشيريما
59.000 KD
Unit price perCAESALPINIA PULCHERRIMA 3 MTR نبتة سيسالبينيا بولتشيريما
59.000 KD
Unit price perCaesalpinia pulcherrima, also known as Pride of Barbados or Peacock flower, is a species of flowering plant in the pea family, Fabaceae. It is native to the tropics and subtropics of the Americas and is known for its vibrant red, orange, and yellow flowers.
Outdoor Flowering Tree/Landscape Tree
Height upto 3 meteres approx.
Full Sun

99.000 KD
Unit price perPELTOPHORUM INERME بلتوفوروم
99.000 KD
Unit price perDESCRIPTION : | Peltophorum inerme, also known as the African tulip tree, requires full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil. It prefers regular watering, especially during the growing season, and can tolerate some drought once established. |
SIZE | 2 - 2.5 MTRS |
*Note: We have made every effort to display the colors, specifications and dimensions of items on the website for your reference as accurate as possible for us but it might vary as these are natural plants. The colors you see will depend on the resolution of your monitor and and may vary due to photographic effect. We may change the dimensions of the item from time to time in accordance to changes in the growth of plants and availability with us. Flowering Plants are subject to seasonal availability.

HIBISCUS TILIACEUS VARIEGATED الكركديه التاسوس المتنوع
125.000 KD
Unit price perHIBISCUS TILIACEUS VARIEGATED الكركديه التاسوس المتنوع
125.000 KD
Unit price perHibiscus tiliaceus, commonly called sea hibiscus or mahoe, is an evergreen shrub or small tree that is native to tropical regions of Asia where it is often found growing along coasts and in low moist areas. It is now grown as an ornamental in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. It is a large, stout, open-branched shrub or small tree with spreading branches. It grows to a height of 3-6 m. Stems long and flexible. Young branches, buds and flowers densely covered with short soft hairs. Bark pale greyish brown, smooth or with lenticels, becoming rough with age.
الكركديه ، المعروف باسم الكركديه البحري أو ماهو ، هو شجيرة دائمة الخضرة أو شجرة صغيرة موطنها المناطق الاستوائية في آسيا حيث توجد غالبًا تنمو على طول السواحل وفي المناطق الرطبة المنخفضة. يزرع الآن كزينة في المناطق الاستوائية وشبه الاستوائية حول العالم. إنها شجيرة كبيرة ، قوية البنية ، مفتوحة الفروع أو شجرة صغيرة ذات أغصان منتشرة. ينمو إلى ارتفاع 3-6 م. ينبع طويلا ومرنة. الأغصان الصغيرة والبراعم والزهور مغطاة بكثافة بشعر قصير ناعم. اللحاء بني رمادي باهت ، أملس أو مع العدس ، يصبح خشنًا مع تقدم العمر.
Total Size |
H2.5 MTR (Approx) الارتفاع 2.5- (تقريبا) |
Light Exposure |
PARTIAL LIGHT ضوء جزئي |
Water Requirements |
Preferably twice a day in summer and once in alternate days in winter. The best way to water the plant is dipping a finger into soil to feel if the soil is moist or not. If you still feel it is wet in winter, you can delay the watering for few more days and give water. A regular check on the plant moisture is ideal for healthy growth. يفضل مرتين في اليوم في الصيف ومرة في الأيام المتناوبة في الشتاء. أفضل طريقة لسقي النبات هي غمس إصبع في التربة لمعرفة ما إذا كانت التربة رطبة أم لا. إذا كنت لا تزال تشعر أنه رطب في الشتاء ، يمكنك تأخير الري لبضعة أيام أخرى وإعطاء الماء. يعتبر الفحص المنتظم لرطوبة النبات مثاليًا للنمو الصحي. |
Ideal Space |
Balcony / Roof top / Entrance of the home / mixed in the garden along with other plants شرفة / سقف علوي / مدخل المنزل / مختلط بالحديقة مع نباتات أخرى |
Note |
We have made every effort to display the colors, specifications, and dimensions of items on the website as accurately as possible. The colors you see will depend on the resolution of your monitor; we cannot guarantee that your monitor's display of any color will reflect accurately the color of the item delivered. We may from time to time vary the dimensions, specifications and quantities of items displayed on our website without prior notice. For example, the flowering plants are subject to seasonal availability. لقد بذلنا قصارى جهدنا لعرض ألوان العناصر ومواصفاتها وأبعادها على الموقع الإلكتروني بأكبر قدر ممكن من الدقة. ستعتمد الألوان التي تراها على دقة شاشتك ؛ لا يمكننا ضمان أن عرض شاشتك لأي لون سيعكس بدقة لون العنصر الذي يتم تسليمه. قد نقوم من وقت لآخر بتغيير أبعاد ومواصفات وكميات العناصر المعروضة على موقعنا دون إشعار مسبق. على سبيل المثال ، تخضع النباتات المزهرة للتوافر الموسمي. |

DELONIX REGIA ديلونكس ريجا
From 150.000 KD
Unit price perDELONIX REGIA ديلونكس ريجا
From 150.000 KD
Unit price per

29.000 KD
Unit price perCOCCOLOBA UVIFERA 2 MTR كوكولوبا
29.000 KD
Unit price per

BAUHINIA PURPUREA بوهينيا البنفسجية
From 125.000 KD
Unit price perBAUHINIA PURPUREA بوهينيا البنفسجية
From 125.000 KD
Unit price perCommonly known as “Purple Orchid Tree “ is one of the most colorful ornamental trees with a very bushy crown. The flowers appear on the trees in winter are a beautiful sight to see, creating a vivid splash of color in every
Outdoor Flowering Tree/Landscape Tree
Height upto 4 meteres approx.
Full Sun
تُعرف باسم اشجار الاوركيد البنفسيجية وتُعد واحدة من أكثر
أشجار الزينة الملونة ولديها تاج كثيف. تظهر بها الزهور في الشتاء وتعطى شكل خلاب، مما يرسم لوحة رائعة من الألوان الزاهية في تصميم اى منظر طبيعي.

99.000 KD
Unit price perCASUARINA EQUISETIFOLIA - كازورينا
99.000 KD
Unit price per

From 75.000 KD
Unit price perAZADIRACHTA INDICA/ NEEM شجرة النيم
From 75.000 KD
Unit price perCommonly known as “ Neem “ tree is an evergreen tree with a lot of medicinal qualities. Every part of the tree has deep medicinal properties and is used widely as a major ingredient in different parts of the world for producing medicines. It is deemed to be the best oxygen producing tree in the world.
Outdoor Tree/Landscape Tree
Height 1 - 4 meteres approx.
Full Sun/Partial Sun
هي شجرة دائمة الخضرة لها الكثير من الخصائص الطبية حيث ان كل جزء من الشجرة له مميزات طبية ويستخدم على نطاق واسع كمكون رئيسي أجزاء مختلفة من العالم لإنتاج الأدوية. تعتبر أفضل شجرة منتجة للأكسجين في العالم.
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