89.000 KD 71.200 KD

Estimated delivery between October 24 and October 26.

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DESCRIPTION :     Thevetia peruviana is a small ornamental tree which grows to about 1.5 - 2.3 m high.  The leaves are spirally arranged, linear and about 13-15 cm in length. Flowers are bright yellow and funnel-shaped  with 5 petals spirally twisted. The fruits are somewhat globular,  slightly fleshy and have a diameter of 4-5 cm.  The fruits,  which are green in colour, become black on ripening. Each fruit contains a nut which is longitudinally and transversely divided.  All parts of the plant contain the milky juice. هي شجرة دائمة الخضرة سريعة النمو وقوية. تشتهر بقيمتها فى التزيين لأنها تنتج مجموعات جميلة من الزهور الصفراء. تنمو الأوراق كثيفة ويمكن استخدامها أيضًا لإنشاء حواجز بين الملكيات أو عمل السياج على طول الجدار. الوصف :
CLASSIFICATION : Flowering Tree شجرة / شجيرات طويلة مزهرة التصنيف : 
SIZE: 1 M - 2 M

WATER REQUIREMENT: Medium/Once Everyday  احتياج متوسط للماء احتياج الماء :
LIGHT REQUIREMENT: Full Sun ضوء شمس كامل  احتياج الضوء :
IDEAL LOCATION : Outdoor Garden     حديقة خارجية  المكان المناسب :
FLOWERING SEASON : Winter / Spring الشتاء / الربيع موسم الازهار :
SUMMER SHADE NET REQUIREMENT : Every Year سنوياً  احتياج تغطية النبتة فى الصيف :

*Note: We have made every effort to display the colors, specifications and dimensions of items on the website for your reference as accurate as possible for us but it might vary as these are natural plants. The colors you see will depend on the resolution of your monitor and and may vary due to photographic effect. We may change the dimensions of the item from time to time in accordance to changes in the growth of plants and availability with us. Flowering Plants are subject to seasonal availability.


89.000 KD 71.200 KD