SEQUESTERED IRON PLANT TONIC - منشط النباتات الغني بييدروكسيد الحديد

2.500 KD

Estimated delivery between October 19 and October 21.

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Plants with iron deficiency usually result in pale yellow leaves, poor growth, and flowering. It is also one of the main reasons why rhododendrons, heathers, and other ‘lime-hating’ plants cannot grow well in chalky or alkaline soils.

Sequestered Iron Plant Tonic supplies the necessary iron together with magnesium and manganese to help correct deficiencies to enable plants to thrive.

Sequestered Iron Plant Tonic:

  • Ideal for ‘lime haters’ such as rhododendrons and heathers
  • Improves color and vigour of all flowering plants
  • Corrects yellowing of leaves

Applied evenly to the soil in early spring, one application will last all season. Simply mix a little of the tonic with water, stir well, then add additional water as per instructions before applying.

Sequestered Iron Plant Tonic comes in sachet format to ensure you use the correct amount.

As well as supporting ‘lime hating’ plants, Sequestered Iron Plant Tonic can also be used for roses, hydrangeas, currants, raspberries, strawberries, pot plants, and other perennials.


عادة ما تؤدي النباتات التي تعاني من نقص الحديد إلى أوراق صفراء شاحبة وضعف النمو وازدهار. وهو أيضًا أحد الأسباب الرئيسية لعدم تمكن نباتات الرودوديندرون والنباتات "الكارهة للجير" من النمو جيدًا في التربة الطباشيرية أو القلوية.

يوفر منشط الحديد المنفصل الحديد الضروري جنبًا إلى جنب مع المغنيسيوم والمنغنيز للمساعدة في تصحيح أوجه القصور لتمكين النباتات من الازدهار.
