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RUELLIA BRITTONIANA DWARF - PURPLE رويليا قزمى (بيتونيا مكسيكى) - اللون البنفسجي
Estimated delivery between January 04 and January 06.
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DESCRIPTION : | Commonly known as Mexican pentunia is a low evergreen shrub with dark green leaves and purple-pink flowers. It is highly ornamental and useful for small spaces especially as a groundcover. | تعرف باسم البيتونيا المكسيكية وهي شجيرة قليلة الخضرة، ذات أوراق خضراء داكنة وأزهار أرجوانية زهرية. تعد نبتة زينة ومفيدة للغاية للمساحات الصغيرة خاصةً كغطاء أرضيات. |
الوصف |
CLASSIFICATION : | GROUND COVER | غطاء الأرضيات | التصنيف : |
SIZE: | 20 CMS | ||
WATER REQUIREMENT: | MEDIUM/ONCE EVERYDAY | احتياج متوسط للماء | احتياج الماء : |
LIGHT REQUIREMENT: | FULL SUN / PARTIAL SUN | ضوء الشمس كامل / جزئى | احتياج الضوء : |
IDEAL LOCATION : | OUTDOOR GARDEN | حديقة خارجية | المكان المناسب : |
FLOWERING SEASON : | SUMMER / SPRING | الصيف / الربيع | الصيف / موسم الازهار : |
SUMMER SHADE NET REQUIREMENT: | EVERY YEAR | سنويآ | احتياج تغطية النبتة فى الصيف : |
*Note: We have made every effort to display the colors, specifications and dimensions of items on the website for your reference as accurate as possible for us but it might vary as these are natural plants. The colors you see will depend on the resolution of your monitor and and may vary due to photographic effect. We may change the dimensions of the item from time to time in accordance to changes in the growth of plants and availability with us. Flowering Plants are subject to seasonal availability.