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LEMON GRASS عشبة الليمون
Estimated delivery between January 08 and January 10.
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DESCRIPTION : | Lemongrass is a tropical herb packed with strong citrus flavor mostly used in kitchens. The plant’s upright arching shape and attractive green leaves will add interest and texture to your garden. It is considered as an edible landscaping plant and it is insect repellent. | هو عشب استوائي مليء بنكهة الحمضيات القوية المستخدمة في الغالب في المطابخ. سيضيف شكل التقوس للنبات مع أوراقه الخضراء الجذابة جمالاً وملمسًا لحديقتك. تعد نباتًا للمناظر الطبيعية الصالحة ايضاً للأكل. يعد نبات طارد للحشرات. |
الوصف |
CLASSIFICATION : | SHRUB | شجيرة | التصنيف : |
SIZE: | 30 - 40 cms / 60 - 70 cms | ||
WATER REQUIREMENT: | MEDIUM/ONCE EVERDAY | احتياج متوسط للماء | احتياج الماء : |
LIGHT REQUIREMENT: | FULL SUN | ضوء الشمس كامل | احتياج الضوء : |
IDEAL LOCATION : | OUTDOOR GARDEN / POTS | حديقة خارجية / أحواض | المكان المناسب : |
SUMMER SHADE NET REQUIREMENT: | NOT REQUIRED | ليس ضرورى | احتياج تغطية النبتة فى الصيف : |
*Note: We have made every effort to display the colors, specifications and dimensions of items on the website for your reference as accurate as possible for us but it might vary as these are natural plants. The colors you see will depend on the resolution of your monitor and and may vary due to photographic effect. We may change the dimensions of the item from time to time in accordance to changes in the growth of plants and availability with us.